| 1. | A firm handshake is a common way to shake hands with others 沉着有力的握手:常见的握手方式。 |
| 2. | Nixon was greatly impressed by stassen ' s firm handshake 史塔生紧紧和他握手,尼克松对此印象很深刻。 |
| 3. | Nixon was greatly impressed by stassen ' s firm handshake 史塔生紧紧和他握手,尼克松对这一点印象很深刻。 |
| 4. | When first meeting the employer , greet them with a firm handshake , a smile , and look them in the eyes 如果是初次见面,微笑着,看着他的眼睛,与他握手。 |
| 5. | It s about demonstrating confidence : standing straight , making eye contact and connecting with a good , firm handshake 这是有关表现自信心的站姿端正、用眼神交流、坚实有力的握手。 |
| 6. | When first meeting the employer , greet them with a firm handshake , a smile , and look them in the eye 与考官初次见面,要面带微笑,自信地看着他们的眼睛,握手要坚定有力(但也不要太用力哦) 。 |
| 7. | In other countries , people greet each other with a firm handshake , a loving hug , a bow or simply a nod of the head 在另外一些国家,人们见面时,会相互紧紧握手,或给对方一个充满爱意的拥抱,或者是鞠一个躬,抑或是简单的点一下头。 |
| 8. | At the beginning of the interview , greet the interviewer with a firm handshake , maintain eye contact , and use the interviewer ' s name early and frequently 面试开始,要先和面试官握手向其问好,面试过程中要保持目光接触,尽早或不时地提到面试官的名字。 |
| 9. | When i look at what the next president will have to deal with , i don ' t see much that can be solved with just a winning smile , a firm handshake and a ton of resolve 当我盱衡下一位总统必须处理的问题时,我并不认为,只靠一个胜选的微笑,坚定有力的握手及无比的意志力,就可以解决太多问题。 |